Hi, I’m Annie.
Author, entrepreneur, and wellness enthusiast.
I’m dedicated to helping you move from Stress to Freedom.
I show women from all stages in life
how to create a life they love through my
Women Who Live & Lead With Intention course,
my Brave. Bold. Badass. Online Community
and through my book,
Keep Your Ass In The Saddle.

Hi, I’m Annie.
Author, entrepreneur, and wellness enthusiast.
I’m dedicated to helping you move from Stress to Freedom.
I show women from all stages in life
how to create a life they love through my
Women Who Live & Lead with Passion & Purpose course,
my Brave. Bold. Badass. Online Community
and through my book,
Keep Your Ass In The Saddle.
Start Right Now
Are you a Human Resources executive, a woman in the C-Suite or upper management, or a female entrepreneur that feels stress, overwhelm, lack of focus, or constant fatigue?
A recent study shows that 60% of executive and professional women experience anxiety, stress, and psychological distress in the workplace.
These stressors can further perpetuate conditions such as depression, heart disease, chronic pain, nervousness, cancer, strokes, and high blood pressure.
The solution to managing these pressures isn’t putting on a smile and pretending everything is okay, attempting to get more done, or participating in behaviors that add fuel to the fire, it’s about employing a NEW PARADIGM.
Thinking, Planning, and Behaving Differently

Learn how to create a life you LOVE.
I’ve unlocked the secrets to creating and enjoying a wonderful life filled with abundance and prosperity, rewarding relationships, and purpose-filled experiences. My aim is to contribute a deeper and more full understanding of the most important challenges and opportunities we face as leaders. If you are in HR, the C-Suite, or an entrepreneur, I can help you..
If you are ready to create a life you love, to stop playing small, to ditch the excuses, and start living graciously, this book is a must-read for you. It will open you up to stunningly new perspectives about your life. It will invite you to view every experience as a gift and to have an enduring and endearing relationship with yourself and others. Keep Your Ass In The Saddle is that little nudge you need to muster up the courage to live a life true to yourself and fully embrace your genuineness.
You are not alone on this journey to a life you love. There’s a powerful tribe waiting just for you.
Get the coaching and direction you need to create a life that you love. The BBB membership provides you with the tools and support you need to thrive and live with joy in your life. This is an exclusive and private community where you can connect, make friends, share ideas, be inspired and supported, and get encouragement any time you need it.
Recent Articles
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Day 11 – Cultivating Contentment
Watch the sunrise. Each day is born with a sunrise. Each day is a fresh start for you. The way we start the day matters. ...
Day 10 – Cultivating Contentment
Let go of the past. This is a photo of me and two of my horses. It was taken several years ago in my corral. ...
Day 9 – Cultivating Contentment
Surrender. It was three days after my house burned to the ground. I reeked of smoke and hadn't taken a shower in those three days. ...
Day 8 – Cultivating Contentment
What do you want? Have you ever stopped to consider that your lack of contentment comes from not clarifying what you want in your life? ...
Day 5 – Cultivating Contentment
Join me in a digital detox. Put your phone down. Studies have been done, and there is plenty of evidence that spending a lot of ...