If you have been following this series on the art of the handwritten letter, you have been invited to write two letters.  The first, a thank you to someone who has had an impact on your life.  The second, a note to someone who is no longer living.  Both of these letters gave you the opportunity to express gratitude and connect in a special way.  The next letter that I am calling you to write is one to a total stranger.  That’s right, you will compose a thoughtful letter filled with your thoughts and inspiration not knowing who the recipient will be.  In today’s digital age we live in a culture that connects almost exclusively on a screen.  You can play a compelling part in pulling someone away from their computer, smartphone or iPad.  Here is how.  Grab your pen, some stationery, and an envelope, find a quiet corner, sit down and start writing.  Imagine a letter that you would like to receive.  What would it say?  Write that letter.  What words would put a smile on your face?  Use those words.  What would encourage you if you read it?  Start encouraging.  When you finish your letter, put it in the envelope and inscribe something that would entice the person who discovers your letter to open it.

Now for the fun part.  Go out into the world and leave your letter somewhere.  You could tuck it inside the current bestseller at a bookstore, in a pocket at a coat check, under the placemat as you leave a restaurant, or on the seat as you leave the train or bus on your way to work.  Leave it anywhere with the intention to absolutely delight someone.

I will remind you again that your words have the power to change lives.  This letter might be the nudge that a troubled teen needs to make better choices for themselves. It might be the encouragement that helps a new mom get through the day.  It might be the inspiration to help a young girl realize her own worthiness.  Whatever it might be, it will make a difference.  And you were put on this planet to make a difference!  Do this.  Write this letter today.

Stay true and be you —


Create a Life You Love
Participate in the Online Edition of Lines In The Sand