Helpful Resources

I hope you are here because you want to grow.  You have a choice in how you love and live and feel.  And, we can all use a little help along the way as we are traversing unfamiliar terrain to our highest potential.  Knowing this about myself and you, I have put together some things to help make the road to creating a life that you love a little smoother.   These resources will help you to put one foot forward and then the other and evoke the courage to know the promise of each new day.

21-Day Authenticity Challenge

This email-based adventure offers a simple and fun way to quickly bring you closer to creating a life you love. Take the Challenge!

My Pillars of Intentional Living

This useful booklet will give you insights, inspiration, and guidance that will help you discover how to create a life you love.

Self-Assessment Survey

This self-assessment survey will help you pinpoint your current status in each of Ten Life Domains.

Free Wallpaper Pack!

These great wallpapers for your smartphone will help remind you to use your device with clear intentions.