Are You Ready To Create Sustainable, Lasting Healthy Habits and a Thriving Lifestyle?

If so, Sheryl Puterman has some suggestions.  Listen to our podcast conversation for tips and suggestions and then take advantage of Sheryl’s free offerings.

Sheryl set out to make a difference. Self-study, formal certifications, seminars, and finally taking on the role of Entrepreneur, Founder, CEO Teacher, Coach, and International Speaker

She works with some of the most common health challenges of our times dealing with stress, stress management, anxiety, mood & fatigue. Sheryl also works with food and body challenges, including weight management, wellness, binge eating, overeating, body image, stress relief, and various nutrition-related health concerns.

Nourishment Vitality offers online courses, workshops, and coaching programs that bring together the science of nutrition and psychology.

Sheryl and her team create sustainable, lasting healthy habits and lifestyles.

Have a look at the links below to access free downloads and to learn about online courses.

1) Free guides – a) breathing through stress  b) living a better life one habit at a time c) power of gratitude

link –

2) Online course – How to stop stress eating

Landing page for the online course –

Stay true and be you —


Create a Life You Love
Participate in the Online Edition of Lines In The Sand