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We will gather one day a month from 9:00 am – 4 pm at a private barn. The day is set to be the same each month, for example, the second Friday of each month.
Women Who Live & Lead With Intention is based on 10 Intentions presented in a specific order. Over the 12 months, we will concentrate on personal and professional enrichment and mastery of each of these principles. Please click here to learn more about the 10 Intentions. (Link to https://anniemfonte.com/lead-with-intention/about-the-program/)
Before each gathering, you download and print out the program workbook pages associated with the Intention for the session. You will complete the questions, processes, and project and come prepared to participate in each meeting fully.
You can expect to spend 1-2 hours per week on the coursework and projects.
You will have access to the workbook pages at least three weeks before each monthly gathering via email
You will have access to the material and downloads throughout the entire course.
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