What Brings You Happiness

What people, places, and things bring you great happiness in your life and why? It is a proven fact that what you focus on flourishes.  It is my belief that happiness is a choice and therefore who you choose to surround yourself with, as well as the things and places you choose to have in your life will affect your level of happiness.  It has been my observation that those who I encounter who either appear or state that they are not happy have simply failed to make good choices in their lives.

Writing Challenge

It is always a good idea to be appreciative of all that you are thankful for in your life.  Grab your journal and spend some time listing all of the people, places, and things that you have chosen in your life that bring you happiness and record why having chosen them has added to your happiness.

Stay true and be you —


Create a Life You Love
Participate in the Online Edition of Lines In The Sand