Read This Book

Cheryl Strayed is the author of many books.  Best known for her book Wild: From Lost To Found On The Pacific Crest Trail, the tail of her solo 1000 mile trek in search of herself.  I read Wild and truly enjoyed it.  After taking in such a good book, I went in search of what else she had written.  This was when I came across Tiny Beautiful Things:  Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar.  Several years ago Strayed was an anonymous advice columnist for the online magazine, The Rumpus.  Readers would write to her for advice on anything from how they could pay their bills to hot sex and everything in between.  Over time, thousands of people sought her flavorful, cut to the chase, honest, and endearing advice.

In 2012 a collection of the letters she had received and her thoughtful advice back to the inquirer were gathered together in Tiny Beautiful Things.  The book is fun, funny, gut-wrenching, raw, and full of damn good information.  Regardless of what might be going on in your life, get this book and read it.  You will be glad that you did.

Stay true and be you —


Create a Life You Love
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