Last week a friend had a routine medical exam performed on her.  This week she has informed me that a mass was found.  A biopsy was done.  The news:  not good.  She will have surgery early next week and to quote her,  “Only after they do biopsies on the nodes will I know if I have dodged this bullet.”

Wow, what a difference a day makes.   A seemingly healthy and vibrant woman who is beautiful and kind; a wife, mom, friend, business owner and contributing member of society is given a wake up call.  In an instant everything changes.  The calendar is cleared of all engagements except for a surgery that will hopefully extract this unwanted mass of angry and destructive cells from the body that currently houses them.  All of the sudden the “to-do list” isn’t important, holiday preparations are put on the back burner, social gatherings fall to the side and the things that  really matter in life are slotted as high priority.  Things like your health, your family and a few good friends all take center stage and come into brilliant focus.  And, on the other side of this wake up call is the opportunity to appreciate what you have before a situation forces you to appreciate what you might lose.

At any given moment, your life could flash before your eyes.  The question is, will it be worth watching?  May every morning that you are blessed with a brand new day be your “wake up call.”  Recognize the joy in living each moment to the fullest.  Be grateful for those moments and regardless of what they bring embrace them!