Hey Badass. Yes, you.
You’re here! Welcome.
My mission is simple: I want to help you Create A Life That You Love. Period.
If you are like most humans, you want to live life to your highest potential. You want a life that is fulfilling and adventurous built on a stable foundation of peace and contentment. You desire love and connection, and you strive to grow and make a contribution to the world.
But something keeps getting in the way. You aren’t sure where to start.
Does This Sound Like You?
It’s time, to be honest with yourself.
Are you ready:
To create a life that you love?
To stop playing small?
To stop comparing yourself to others?
To ditch the excuses?
To start having an endearing and enduring relationship with yourself and others?
To get your financial world in order”?
To have more joy and abundance in your life?
I Know How You Feel
A handful of years ago my house burned to the ground, my twelve-year relationship was going up in flames, a company that I was a founder of was in a complex lawsuit, and my dad died…all at the same time. Once the dust settled from these events, not only did I know that I needed to redesign my life, I wanted to. And so, I did.
I Can Help You
The purpose of this website is to help you to realize your inner wisdom. I will provide you with resources that will give you the clarity and courage you need to Create A Life That You Love. You will find inspiration for personal growth as well as useful tools that will assist you on your journey to living your life to the fullest.
My Book
Keep Your Ass In The Saddle
The potential for extraordinary abundance and achievement and lasting fulfillment lies within you.
Annie M. Fonte tells the truth about her upbringing and inspiring journey to personal freedom. She weaves the threads of her life together with unabashed candor and transparency. Annie is a captivating storyteller who is raw and real as she invites you to pause and reflect on your life. In this true debut story, Annie talks about choosing happiness, finding peace and joy, overcoming fear, and ultimately living a life she loves with authenticity at its foundation.
My Most Popular
Subscribe to Barn Musings
These weekly newsletters aim to provide you with timely, inspiring, and useful reflections and findings from Meet Me At The Barn. I promise to keep the content brief and brilliant. The ultimate goal is to create a community forum that is supportive, imaginative, and focused on the possibilities in life.
Join Our Community
The Meet Me At The Barn community is a tribe of like-minded people from all over the world who are committed to creating a life that they love. We believe in living life to our highest potential. Through our dedication to values-based living, self-reflection, and self-awareness, we will wholeheartedly meet ourselves where we are and hold space for our personal growth and evolution.
You can Create A Life That You Love. All it takes is your willingness to live with intention and some good coaching and support along the way. If you do your part, I will wholeheartedly be your coach. Let’s do this.