Bosu Ball Abs
OK, my friends today’s workout challenge is Bosu Ball Abs. Most gyms have a Bosu Ball. What you want to do is sit on the ball and do a series of abdominal exercises. The first is a regular sit up. Sit in the middle of the Bosu and roll down so your back is parallel to the flow with your feet remaining on the floor. Then do a regular sit-up bringing your upper body perpendicular to the floor. Do at least 15 reps of this exercise.
The second exercise incorporates lifting one leg off the floor each time you come to a sitting position. Alternate legs and continue doing at least 15 reps. There are hundreds of core exercises you can do on a Bosu ball. Click here to see an example. For more of the same do a Google search for Bosu Ball Ab Workouts. Within seconds you will have thousands of options to choose from.
Stay true and be you —