
What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago?

This is such a great question.  What is your answer?   Here is mine:  A friend of mine had been taking painting lessons and a mutual friend of ours was going to go sit in on one of her lessons because she was looking for something new and creative to take up as a hobby.  I have always loved art and thought why not tag along.  Now just a little over a year has gone by and we each have some wonderful oil paintings with our signature at the bottom staking our claim as the artiste. 

Our group now consist of four budding artist.  We meet once a week at one of our homes and our teacher patiently guides us along as we learn new techniques and traverse creative terrain that none of us have ever previously traveled.   We drink some wine, have a few snacks and share a lot of laughs.  I get to be around people that I like and enjoy.  I learn something new each week about colors, shadows, light, texture and so much more.  I get to participate in an activity that takes me just far enough out of my comfort zone that the adrenaline of uncertainly can be embraced as curiosity and excitement.  And I look at the world around me differently than before because painting has generously provided me with a perspective that is vast in the abundance of possibility.  What a difference a year makes!

Please share with me what you have done in the last year that has added a richness to your days.  Send your photos and videos so that we can see what you beautiful people have been up to!